Women Are Not Equal To Men

Women Are Not Equal To Men
Women Are Not Equal To Men

Women are not equal to men. God never created men and women equal – He never created a woman equal to a man or a wife equal to her husband.

Let’s look in the scripture (Bible)

Women Are Not Equal To Men

1. Man was created first not woman

Man was created first not woman – Adam was first not Eve

1Tim 2:13: For Adam was first formed, then Eve

Therefore a woman cannot be equal to a man

2. Woman came from Man

Woman came from man. Man did not come from a woman

1Cor 11:8: For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man

What comes from you is not equal to you.

Children come from parents thus children cannot be equal to parents

Man came from God thus a man cannot be equal to God

A woman came from man thus a woman cannot be equal to a man

3. Woman was created for man not man for woman

Woman was created for man. A man was not created for woman.

1Cor 11:9: Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man

What is created for you is not equal to you

A woman is not equal to a man

4. Woman glory of man, man glory of God

A woman is the glory of man while a man is the glory of God

1Cor 11:7: For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, for he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man

This speaks loud that men and women are not equal – if they could be equal, a woman could be the glory of God but women aren’t directly God’s glory

A woman becomes the glory of God if she is a man’s glory.

A woman is either under her father (biological parent) or under her husband – there is no ‘single women’ in the Kingdom of God; single women are of the world.

Therefore a woman is the glory of her husband or father (parent). A wife is the glory of her husband.

If a woman is not the glory of her husband/father she is not the glory of God.

If a woman is a disgrace to her husband or father (parent), she is a disgrace to God.

If as a wife you are a disgrace to your husband, you are indeed a disgrace to God too

Ask yourself as a woman, whose glory are you?  Are you your husband’s/father’s glory or you’re the glory of other people and men – Satan’s glory?

5. A woman needs covering, a man does not

A woman needs covering, a man does not (1 Cor 11).

Therefore a woman is not equal to a man

A covering is authority or head

6. Woman is the image of man, Man is the image of God

1Cor 11:7: For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, for he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ does not say that a woman is the image of God.

Why? Because a woman came from man while man from God.

Therefore man is the image of God while a woman is the image of man because she came from man

If we say a woman is the image of God this means God is a woman which is a lie

A man is the image of God thus God is a Man not a woman

A woman becomes the image of God through a Man otherwise Satan’s image

Look at these women who have become Satan image with their wigs and weaves, fake eyebrows and eyelashes, fake face of makeups, wearing men clothing, etc – they are images of Satan and his demons.

If you want to see how demons look like, look at these women – that is a demon and that is how demons look

7. Man head of Woman

A man is the head of a woman

1Cor 11:3: But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God

The head cannot be equal to any other part of the body though all parts of body need each other

A woman cannot be equal to man though they need each other

And God said to woman, ‘he (man) shall rule over you’ (Gen 3:16)

Whoever rules over you is not equal to you

A woman is not equal to a man

Even in God given roles, a woman does have same roles as a man because a woman is not equal to man.

God does not take women to war – God wars are fought only by Men throughout history, to present to future

God does not chose women to lead – God leaders are always men throughout history to present to future. See women must not lead

Jesus did not choose any woman disciple – Jesus had 11 disciples all men

Women are not equal to men

Why did Satan go to deceive the woman (Eve) not Man (Adam)? Because a woman is not equal to man and even Satan knows that.

Who raises women to be equal to Men?

Satan raise women to be equal to men. In other words, Satan makes women men – gives women a spirit of a man

It’s for this reason you see women dressing like men, doing manly roles, fighting and arguing men, wives arguing and fighting their husband’s not respecting and submitting, etc.

Any wife with a spirit of a man cannot respect and submit to her husband – that spirit of a man to a woman is of Satan.

Also a spirit of women to men is of Satan. Some men have a spirit of a woman from Satan reason the walk, speak, dress, etc, like women.

Satan makes women men and men women

Feminists are Satanists

Every person saying ‘women are equal to me’ and ‘what a man can do a woman can do’ is Satan speaking through that person

Every person fighting for women equality, women to be equal to men, is a Satanist

Women empowerment is of Satan. Why are you empowering them? Why not empower the men?

Why do you not want the TRUTH? Professing to be wise, you have become fools and God has given you up to uncleanliness, lusts of your hearts and to dishonor your body (Rom 1:20-32).

Lesbianism – woman want to be equal to men thus do what a man can do thus they exchange the natural use to what is against nature (Rom 1:26)

Evil and wickedness has increased in this earth because of this fools professing to be wise denying the TRUTH.

Women are not equal to men

No woman is equal to a man

Wives are not equal to their husbands

Narrow is the gate and difficult the way that leads to life and few find it

Wide is the way that leads to destruction

Women claiming to be equal to men are women on the wide way that leads to destruction

A wife claiming to be equal to her husband is a wife on the wide way that leads to destruction

See the Road you take determines salvation or damnation

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