Angel of Justice Vengeance Killing Abomination and Wickedness Released

Angel of Justice Vengeance Killing Abomination and Wickedness Released
Angel of Justice Vengeance Killing Abomination and Wickedness Released

This is vision of Angel of justice vengeance killing abomination and wickedness released as revealed early morning hours of 4th August 2017

Angel of Justice Vengeance Killing Abomination and Wickedness Released

I saw an angel released

In the streets I saw the wicked butcher an innocent man

The angel saw and from a far He killed the butchers of men without even touching them

No one saw Him and can see Him but I was allowed to see Him

He will bring justice on earth

He will kill abomination and wickedness

The wicked who repent not will not be spared

He will bring justice in a land of injustice

The widows whose husbands have being killed, He will bring justice

The fatherless whose fathers have being killed, He will bring justice

He will kill all butchers of men who repent not

He is out at war with the drug barons

He will avenge every did for vengeance belongs to God

He will wage war against the false prophets and spirit of divination – for they teach people to rebellion against the LORD (Jer 28:15-16)

He will not wick to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

He is out on the land

You will not see Him but you will see His works

Him and the Chariots of God are working together

Salvation is personal

Deliverance is personal

Jesus is Coming

Repent Repent Repent

Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand