Prophecy of devastating floods coming to Kenya

Prophecy of devastating floods coming to Kenya
Prophecy of devastating floods coming to Kenya

This is the prophecy of devastating floods coming to Kenya as revealed to me in the early hours of morning on 18th November 2013.

Prophecy of devastating floods coming to Kenya

I saw clouds gather over the face of Kenya. From the east of Kenya, clouds came together growing bigger heavy darker and darker.

They covered the sky and Kenya darkened.  It started raining over the land of Kenya but something abnormal was happening. The clouds were releasing a lot of water than normal.

The waters coming out of the clouds to the land of Kenya were excess for the land to swallow. The waters increased and increased as the clouds released more and more.

As the waters built up over the land of Kenya, they started flowing looking for any way possible. Gullies were created where there were no gullies and streams where there were no streams.

Kenya Rivers could not handle the amount of waters coming to them and their banks broke, waters spilling over to the land.

As the waters flowed, buildings, crops, homes, soil, property, etc were swept away bringing great havoc to Kenya.

The dark clouds over the land of Kenya did not stop giving out water until the last cloud ran dry.

After the first clouds passed away, I saw other clouds gathering up in the east over the land of Kenya. The clouds were becoming dark and darker and heavier and heavier as I watched and the land of Kenya was dark again with the clouds about to receive their waters.

Then an angel passed between the dark clouds and the land of Kenya saying, ‘Kenya Repent, Kenya Repent, Kenya Repent’.

Mt 11:15: He that has ears to hear, let him hear.

Kenya Repent

Isa 30:1: Woe to the rebellious children, says the LORD, who take counsel, but not of me; and who devise plans, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:

See Kenya judgment prophecy

Prophecy fulfilled as revealed in April – May 2015. See devastating floods hit Kenya