Vision of Jesus Sitting At the Right Hand of God and Tattoos in Hell

Vision of Jesus Sitting At the Right Hand of God and Tattoos in Hell
Vision of Jesus Sitting At the Right Hand of God and Tattoos in Hell

This is vision of Jesus sitting at the right hand of God and tattoos in hell as revealed early morning hours of 1st February 2018

Vision of Jesus Sitting At the Right Hand of God and Tattoos in Hell

At the Name of Jesus, I saw both saints and animals bow down in heaven

It was amazing seeing a lion, a giraffe, an elephant, etc in heaven all bowing down

I bear witness as it is written,

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10)

The glory, joy, happiness and fulfillment I saw in heaven with saints and all in heaven is unexplainable

And a voice said unto me, ‘Joshua, Come see Jesus seated at the Right hand of God’

Immediately before me was glory and splendor I could not behold or describe in words – it was the Throne of the Most High God which I had seen before. See vision of the Throne of the Most High God

Before me was God the Father – I have seen Him severally from the day I was called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Seated on His right hand was Jesus.

Then the voice which had spoken to me earlier said unto me, ‘Joshua, we must show you hell’

Immediately I found myself in a place that seemed deserted – terror was all over me; I could feel it in my skin

Before me were people busy with their assignments – remember the assignments of hell in vision of the chambers of hell

They had marks (tattoos) on their bodies and I asked one of them, ‘what are these marks?’ and he answered,

‘These are marks of our master – they are identification marks’

I recalled Holy Spirit teaching me that tattoos are identification marks of the kingdom of darkness. See tattoos are against God

And it is for this reason that when the Antichrist comes, he will mark (tattoo) people on the right hand and forehead the marks of the beast – marks of Satan reason it is written,

Rev 13:16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads

This marks are identification marks and reveals your allegiance to satan

I ask the person in hell, ‘who is your master?’ He answered, ‘here we do not mention his name’ – the master is Satan

I saw torture of humans in hell, pain and suffering which I was allowed to feel

And the people all cried to me saying, ‘Joshua go pray for us to come out of this place’

I cried for I knew there is no way they can come out of there

Heaven is real, Hell is real

Jesus is Coming

Repent Repent Repent

Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand