Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) – An Ungodly Selfish Political Agenda

Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) – An Ungodly Selfish Political Agenda

Building Bridge Initiative (BBI) is an ungodly selfish political agenda by Kenya leaders and the political class as revealed – it is against God and the people of the nation Kenya.

Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) – An Ungodly Selfish Political Agenda

When God revealed BBI, two things angered Him most;

  1. BBI ungodliness
  2. Selfishness of Kenya leaders and the political class

1. BBI Ungodliness

Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) is ungodly. If truly you know Jesus Christ, you know the ungodliness in BBI (I will not reveal the ungodliness).

Anything that is not inline with the Kingdom of heaven is ungodly.

2. Selfishness of Kenya Leaders and the Political Class

Kenya has never had selfless leaders whose goodness for the nation and the people surpasses their selfish gain. Reason more than 50 years, Kenya remains a third world nation.

Political leadership is a position to serve the people but to Kenya leaders, it is a position to serve themselves. Its Kenya leaders and the political class who have made Kenya poor and filthy as it is today.

God brought all Kenya leaders and politicians supporting BBI before me. They all revealed that they are supporting Building Bridges Initiative for selfish interests, selfish gain. They know in their hearts that BBI has nothing good for Kenya nor her citizens but their pursuit for selfish gain surpassed the pursuit for a better Kenya.

Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) is a selfish agenda to Kenya by her selfish leaders and selfish political class. BBI is only a tool to quench their selfish gain thirst. BBI has nothing good for the nation of Kenya and her people.

Infact, BBI is made to enslave and afflict Kenyans the more as the leaders and political class selfishly gain.

This selfishness of Kenya leaders and her political class angers God reason their judgment was decreed – see judgement of selfish Kenya leaders

The Fear of the One Man who owns Kenya

Kenya is a country owned by one man and all Kenyans are slaves to this one man. See Kenya a country owned by one man

Apart from pursuit of their selfish interests, Kenya leaders and the political class support and push for Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) is because they fear the One Man who owns Kenya. This man is brutal, he rules by threats intimidation killing and rewards loyal slaves.

Kenya parastatals and institutions e.g. KRA, Kenya Police, GSU, EACC, etc are tools in his hands to crush those who stand against him.

Kenyans elect leaders thinking they elect them to represent them, leaders get elected thinking they are elected to serve their people, only for the leaders to realize when you get elected you are elected not to serve the people but to serve this One Man, be his slave.

Many support and push for BBI in fear of this one man. Few stood to fight and paid a price – God will reward you and you will rejoice in due time.

Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga have been in the forefront pushing for BBI – at the right time, I will reveal all about Raila Odinga.

For those who serve my God Jesus Christ, be courageous, be bold – the battle against Building Bridges Initiative is not yet over; PRAY!

Next see BBI Coming back with brutality and impunity

Kenya is being delivered

Jesus is Coming

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