Kenya A Country Owned By One Man (Revelation)

Kenya A Country Owned By One Man and all Kenyans are slaves of this one man

This is vision of Kenya, a country owned by one man and all Kenyans slaves of this one man as revealed in the year 2016.

Kenya A Country Owned By One Man (Revelation)

Kenya is a country owned by one man

He owns Kenya, everything in her, all her wealth and riches, and the people

All Kenyans are his slaves working day and night for him – to their blind minds they think they are working for themselves, to better themselves but in truth they are working for this man

All Kenyan institutions constituted to govern better their lives and fight for them are all his servants – these institutions are not there for the good of Kenyans but they are tools of this one man, in his hands

This includes all parastatals, companies, etc, lied to be ‘public’, all abbreviated with the letter ‘K’, e.g KQ, KRA, KTDA, KRC, KPLC, KMC, etc, and all with the word ‘Kenya’; in reality, the belong to this one man – truly speaking, they are his personal property

All are poorly run, governed and impoverished because this man is a thief who steals from Kenyans to his own pockets – they are also used to afflict slaves the more

The Kenya leaders (senators, governors, MPs, MCAs, etc) get elected some thinking they are going to work for the goodness of the country Kenya and for the welfare of the Kenyan citizen only for them to learn after election that Kenya is owned by one man and you are elected to be his slave – they are part of his high ranked slaves with wages to do what he wants

Every house of representative, claiming to represent Kenyans is a lie but all are slaves of this one man and tools at his hand – this includes senate parliament etc

When an elected member in these houses of representatives rises against this one man, they are crushed brutally even some killed reason you see them shedding tears in these houses (Parliament, senate, etc) – no Kenyan elected be it governor, mp, senator, etc has power to stand against this one man; they are all his slaves crashed to submission

(Next; Revelation of Kenya leaders; Governors, Senators, MPs, etc, and their imminent judgment)

And this man uses the so-called public institutions parastatals etc, what Kenyans get lied to that it belongs to them to serve them, same is used to crash them brutally and afflict them the more

And this is the same man whom for all those years determines who becomes a president and not, who leads his personal property Kenya and doesn’t

This man is a selfish stingy man who lies that he has the goodness of the nation Kenya but in reality, he is the one enslaving and impoverish the nation

He cannot allow Kenya to prosper because that sets his slaves (Kenyans) free

If Kenya was in the right hands since her independent, Kenya could be heading to becoming a ‘First World Nation’ today

He is the man who determines who to be a peanut millionaire or a peanut billionaire in Kenya and who not to be – Kenya is not a free land like USA where anyone can be a millionaire or a billionaire

Most of the peanut millionaires and billionaires in Kenya today have all got their wealth and riches through thievery under this man’s blessings (he is a thief)

This is the man who kills companies and investments in the nation that are a threat to his kingdom reason Kenya is a country of monopoly – he cannot allow another to rise above him for he will flee the slaves (Kenyans)

When a man enslaves other men, he chooses some of the slaves to be masters of the other slaves and these slaves become his defenders, foot soldiers fighting fellow slaves without realizing they are still slaves. In Kenya we have this people, who never wake up to the reality that they are just slaves as the fellow slave they are fighting defending ‘Pharaoh’

Kenyans are slaves – they are not free neither do they know the taste of freedom

Kenya is a ‘one man kiosk’

Your deliverance Kenya is at hand – you will indeed be delivered from this man who has enslaved you

And you will be a Second World Nation

Kenya deliverance is at hand

Jesus is Coming

Repent Repent Repent

Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand