What Year was Jesus Crucified on the Cross? God Answered Me

What Year was Jesus Crucified on the Cross? God Answered Me
What Year was Jesus Crucified on the Cross? God Answered Me

What year was Jesus Crucified on the Cross? I asked, and He answered

When I was doing End Time Bible prophecy calculations to Jesus Christ coming, I came to a stop? Why?

Because we do not know exactly the year Jesus was crucified.

Searching the internet, I came across so many varying years. Many ranged from 28 AD – 33 AD.

The exact year Jesus was crucified is very important in calculating precisely the season Jesus Christ is coming in accordance with Bible prophecy

I wanted to work with exact time to get precisely the season Jesus Christ is coming. Therefore I went back to God for answer.

What Year was Jesus Crucified on the Cross? God Answered Me

I asked Jesus Christ, ‘When were you crucified?

That night He appeared and in a loud voice, He answered, ’32 AD

Jesus was crucified in the Passover of 32 AD

End Time prophecy brethren calculating the season Jesus is coming in accordance with Bible prophecy, use 32 AD as the exact year Jesus was crucified on the cross to get the exact season Jesus Christ is coming.

Jesus is coming

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