Read the Bible to Know the Mind of God

Read the Bible to Know the Mind of God
Read the Bible to Know the Mind of God

Read the Bible to know the mind of God. It’s by knowing the mind of God that you can have a perfect relationship with Him.

1 Cor 2:16 For ‘Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? …’ But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.

Read the Bible to Know the Mind of God

People read the Bible for different reasons. Some;

1. To cram Bible verses and chapters

This is a disaster today. Bible verses and chapters are in people’s mind but they cannot change them.

See how the word of God moves from the ears to the spirit becoming Life

2. To use it against others

There are people who read Bible to use its verses as a weapons against others, against those they do not agree with – this is demonic

3. To speak it to themselves

Speaking Bible verses to yourself is incantation. It’s Jesus to speak upon your life not the Bible.

See speaking Bible verses upon yourself is incantation

Others read the Bible for the Bible to speak to them – Bible does not speak, it’s Jesus who speaks.

John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

Bible does not point you to yourself but to Jesus Christ

4. To speak verses to Satan

Our enemy is not afraid of Bible verses (he knows the Bible more than most of us), he can speak the verses too, he is afraid of Jesus Christ, thus a person speaking God’s Word in Power.

5. To preach it

Others read the Bible to preach it – a disaster. We preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified not the Bible (2 Cor 2:2). The Bible only testifies of Jesus Christ Whom we preach (John 5:39).

Theology is the study of the Bible (scriptures) to preach it – its human knowledge not of heaven nor of Jesus Christ

6. Thinking Life is in it

The bible does not have life. There are people who think they will find life like the Pharisees in it but the Bible itself is dead. Life is Jesus Christ (14:6). The bible only testifies of Him, Jesus Christ.

Making Bible a god is death

(These are some wrong reasons people read the Bible – ask Holy Spirit for more)

Why was the Bible written?

There was no Bible in the Old days, from times of Adam to the times of Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ. It’s after the times of Paul that the first Bible was compiled.

Did people walk with God without the Bible? Yes! Adam walked with God with no Bible. So was Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the prophets, Jesus disciples, etc.

In the Old Times, there were scripts. Scripts were written by Jesus Christ servants as He led them e.g. scripts of Moses, scripts of Jeremiah, scripts of Isaiah, etc.

It’s this scripts which were compiled to make what is called ‘the Bible’ reason the Bible is referred to as ‘Scripture’ – It’s a compilation of scripts.

The Bible was written for 2 main purposes;

1. To testify of Jesus Christ

John 5:39 You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me

Bible only testifies of Jesus Christ.

If from Genesis to Revelation you do not see Jesus Christ, pray ask Jesus to open your eyes to see Him in the Bible.

Bible is not the Word of God, though it contains ‘words of God’. Jesus Christ is the Word of God (John 1:1-14). See difference between the Bible and Jesus Christ

Reason when the Bible is being quoted even by Jesus Himself, it is said, ‘it is written’, not ‘this is the Word of God’ as done today.

2. For you to know the mind of God

Scripts were written and complied to make the Bible, for us to search it to know the mind of God – knowing the mind of God is knowing God, Whom He is.

It’s by knowing God’s mind, you know His thoughts, you know Him and His Ways and thus you can have a perfect relationship with Him.

You cannot have a perfect relationship with a person you cannot understand, know his/her ways, his/her likes and dislikes, etc.

In the same manner, you will never have a perfect relationship with God unless you know His ways, His likes, what He hates, abominations, etc.

Why do people use the Bible to approve what is evil and wicked?

Because whatsoever you want to see, whatsoever you want to hear, when you open the Bible, you will see and hear it.

Never read the Bible to see what you want to see, hear what you want to hear, but read it to know God’s mind

A perfect personal relationship with Jesus Christ equals knowing His mind

Salvation is all about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ individually

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