God Does Not Want Another Satan in Heaven

Satan did not trust God, had no full faith in God reason he said,

Isa 14:12 – 15 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

In heaven, God is Supreme, the King – everyone lives fully depending and trusting Him thus full faith is a requirement

On earth we are in a journey to heaven. Our trust and confidence (faith) in God on earth determines whether we are tickets of heaven or not

If you cannot fully trust God on earth, you cannot fully trust Him in heaven too thus you became another Satan

If you cannot full have faith in God on earth, you cannot fully have faith in God in heaven, thus another Satan

Heaven is for those who fully trust and have confidence in God – only for those with great faith

Reason Salvation is by Grace (Jesus Christ) through Faith

See the 3 levels of faith


If on earth you cannot fully trust on God to provide for you, you cannot fully trust Him to provide for you in heaven

If you go to heaven without fully trusting God for provision, you will look for your own ways of provision in heaven yet the Provider there is God only

Therefore you will say to yourself, in your heart, ‘I do not trust God to provide for me. If i wait upon Him and rely on Him, i will be hungry’ and thus you go on to look for your own ways of provision same manner we are doing on earth rebelliously and you became another Satan in heaven

If you cannot trust God to provide for you on earth neither will you trust Him to provide for you in heaven

Salvation is through Faith

Do you truly have faith in Him? Do you trust and have confidence in Him?

Our problem is only one; we do not fully have faith in Jesus Christ but have faith in ourselves, our plans, thoughts and imaginations, worldly ways and its systems, etc

How many times do you go to pray ask God for something yet in your mind you have your own plans and ways to get it?

How many times do we go to God to pray and ask yet we have PLAN B, He is not the only plan we have?

We do not trust in God. We do not have full faith in God.

Let’s stop lying to ourselves and work on our faith in Him

The moment you trust Jesus Christ fully, He is faithful too – you will never sleep hungry, lack, diseases and sickness will no longer be part of you and your generation, no stealing, no destruction, no worry, and He will destroy all works of the enemy upon you

The moment you lack full faith in God then ‘you shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit’ like Satan